GreenCollar - Tilterweira Toonborough NaturePlus™.
Fast facts.
Account ID: AU00025
Registration date: 9 December 2021
Location: Northwest of Bourke, New South Wales
Area: 22,403 ha
Assets: Native Vegetation
Method: AfN-METHOD-NV-03
Portfolio: GreenCollar’s Paroo River Portfolio
Environmental Account Summary: In development
Technical Report: In development
GreenCollar has registered the Tilterweira Toonborough NaturePlus™ and is currently in the process of developing an Environmental Account to submit for certification.
About the account.
The Tilterweira Toonborough NaturePlus™ is regenerating 22,403 hectares of native forest in the Mulga Lands bioregion of New South Wales. The project area west of the Paroo River consists of hard red earths, soft red earths, some small areas of stone and small areas of box swamps. The project area east of the Paroo is made up of a number of Paroo River flood out channels which vary from heavy alluvial grey soil to light grey clay pan soil. The flood channels are broken up by large areas of soft sandy red earths.
Trees and shrubs on the red soil in the account area include Mulga (Acacia aneura), whitewood (Atalaya hemiglauca), Ironwood (Acacia excelsa), belah (Casuarina cristata), bloodwood (Corymbia tumescens), Bimble Box (Eucalyptus populnea), blackbox (Eucalyptus largiflorens), turpentine (Eremophila sturtii), hopbush (Dodonaea viscosa), punty bush (Senna artemisioides), Kurara (Acacia tetragonophylla), and false sandal wood (Eremophila mitchellii).Trees and shrubs in the grey soil areas include black box (Eucalyptus largiflorens), coolibah (Eucalyptus coolabah), lignum (Duma florulenta), wilga (Geijera parviflora) and River Red Gums (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) along with saltbush and native grass species. Numerous threatened species have been recorded on the property including twenty-one bird species, three mammal species and one reptile species.
Tilterweira Toonborough overlaps with the Paroo Floodplain & Currawinya Key Biodiversity Area which is one of 333 nature hotspots currently recognised across Australia under the Global Standard for the Identification of Key Biodiversity Areas. The property is situated just south of the Nocoleche Nature Reserve which is listed on the Register for the National Estate for the value of its wetlands. Nocoleche Nature Reserve protects a significant area of open woodlands, sandplains and a diverse range of wetland areas, including the floodplain and channels of the Paroo River.
The goal of the restoration project is to measure native vegetation condition and quantify change over time. Land management activities are governed by a carbon project registered with the Australian Government’s Clean Energy Regulator. The establishment of environmental accounts is intended to support ongoing management decisions that may include management of grazing, fire, pests and weeds, forest retention and infrastructure upgrades to encourage maintenance and/or improvement in the condition and extent of native vegetation.
Account location.
About GreenCollar.
GreenCollar is Australia’s largest environmental markets investor and project developer. Through development of new methodologies and markets, we work to place the environment on the balance sheet and ensure money flows to people living and working on the land who deliver environmental benefits for all.
We help farmers, graziers, traditional owners and other land managers to identify and create commercial opportunities through nature-based projects that enhance their productive agricultural enterprise while caring for the environment and delivering tangible social and economic benefits.
At the forefront of the voluntary market, GreenCollar generates new demand for high quality, high integrity ACCUs and is creating new environmental markets based on water quality, biodiversity and plastics. Everything we do is backed by science and led by the land.