Certification Program validation.

How can an “Accounting for Nature® Certified Account” be validated?

Certified Account validation.

At Accounting for Nature, we strive to provide the highest level of integrity and transparency in environmental accounting. Our commitment to these principles is reflected in our innovative digital practices designed to continuously evaluate and improve how we recognise and validate certifications under our standard.

In a world where greenwashing is a growing concern, we have developed four ways to validate an Environmental Account’s Certification status and offer a safeguard against false claims.

Our certification validation resources ensure that environmental benefits promoted by users of the Standard can be easily fact-checked, knowing they are backed by rigorous scientific assessment. This fosters trust and confidence among stakeholders and the broader community. 

By utilising these four methods, you can confidently confirm the certification of any Environmental Account using the Accounting for Nature® Standard. Our goal is to provide transparent and reliable verification processes that uphold the integrity of our environmental accounting efforts.

Four ways to validate a Certified Account.

Online Environmental Account Registry.

Our online Environmental Account Registry is a comprehensive and accessible platform that lists all Certified Environmental Accounts. By visiting our registry, you can:

  • Search for accounts: Easily find accounts by searching through keywords, account holders, or specific projects.

  • Access detailed information: View detailed descriptions, Technical Reports, methodologies, and results of Certified Accounts.

  • Confirm certification: Each listed account is marked with a certification status, ensuring you can quickly confirm its legitimacy.

Certification Passports.

Certification Passports are digital documents that provide a summary of an account's certification details. These passports include:

  • Certification information: Detailed information about the certification, including the date, scope, and criteria met.

  • Verification data: Summarised data and evidence supporting the certification.

  • Quick access: Easily downloadable and shareable, providing a convenient way to verify accounts on the go.


Trustmarks are visual indicators that signify a Certified Environmental Account. These marks are prominently displayed on Certified Accounts and related documents, providing immediate visual confirmation of certification. Features of trustmarks include:

  • Unique Identification: Each trustmark contains a unique identifier that links back to the account's detailed certification information on the Environmental Account Registry.

  • Easy Recognition: Instantly recognisable, providing quick assurance of an account's certified status.

Digital Credentials.

Digital Credentials are secure, verifiable, and portable certificates of certification that can be easily shared and confirmed online. These credentials offer:

  • Blockchain technology: Utilises blockchain for secure, tamper-proof certification records.

  • Verification links: Each credential includes a verification link that directs to the official certification details.

  • User-friendly interface: Easily integrated into professional profiles, websites, and social media for public verification.

Environmental Account Registry.

Looking to validate information about a Certified Account?