The Framework.
Accounting for Nature works with farmers, indigenous land managers, private conservation organisations, businesses, impact investors, governments and regional natural resource management organisations to implement the Accounting for Nature® Framework – a world-leading, scientifically rigorous methodology for measuring environmental condition.
Measures of environmental condition can be used to understand whether actions are improving or degrading natural capital. They are critical for guiding investment in sustainable land and sea management. The Accounting for Nature® Framework sets the overarching Standard for measuring the trend in ecological health for different environmental assets (e.g. agricultural soils, native vegetation, fauna) in a cost-effective, scientifically robust, fully transparent and verifiable way.
The Accounting for Nature® Framework has been tried and tested over a decade at both property (enterprise) and ecosystem (regional) scales – a collaborative effort by around 200 world-leading experts. Accounting for Nature acknowledges and thanks the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists for their work in developing the Accounting for Nature® Model from 2008 to 2018.
Our Framework.
A scientific standard to catalyse investment in nature.
About the Framework.
The Accounting for Nature® Framework is free to be used by any organisation or individual to measure the biophysical condition of environmental assets (e.g. native vegetation, soils, freshwater, native fauna, marine) in a project area, across an entire property, or within a region, state or even across a nation.
When making public statements or claims related to Accounting for Nature®, Environmental Account Certification is required.
The Framework also provides an optional paid pathway for interested parties to have their environmental accounts recognised through our Certification. Only users who have had their accounts certified are able to make public and private claims regarding their Environmental Accounts.
Additional market claims using Certified Environmental Accounts and related to Nature Positive, connected to carbon credits and the emerging nature credits and biodiversity market schemes (etc) must only be approved by AfN in writing and are subject to additional Standards and Rules. Please contact us for more information.
Accounting for Nature® “Certified” Environmental Accounts are widely considered the source of truth and trust for any sustainability claim that is made with respect to landscape or marine conservation and restoration.
These Accounts - approved for use under the appropriate AfN license agreements - can be used for underpinning government and philanthropic grants, issuance and tracking of green bonds and other financial instruments, monitoring the efficacy of sustainable land management activities, consumer labelling on food and fibre products, undertaking due diligence on impact investments, and credibly linking environmental co-benefits to carbon offset units under different internationally recognised standards.
The Accounting for Nature® Framework has been developed so that it complements other standard and certification systems, such as those for developing carbon offset projects, building and assessing impact investment opportunities (e.g. green bond criteria), pursuing corporate sustainability outcomes and achieving global goals such as the Sustainable Development Goals and Aichi Targets.
It can also be used to underpin and evidence state of nature, impact, risk and opportunity disclosures under the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and is consistent with the United Nation’s Standard for Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA).
Like a framework for financial or carbon accounting, the Accounting for Nature® Framework offers a system of rules and processes designed to ensure the utmost integrity and transparency of environmental accounts, no matter the environmental asset being measured.
Best practice.
It’s vital that all Accounting for Nature stakeholders have confidence in the Accounting for Nature® Trustmark and the credibility of the Claims made by Certified Environmental Account holders.
At Accounting for Nature, we are committed to the correct implementation of our Standard and supporting Framework. We conduct continuous monitoring, verification, and assurance to ensure that all Framework users — including Environmental Account holders and end-users of Environmental Accounts — adhere to our Standard.
Ensuring confidence.
Under the Accounting for Nature® Framework, users can obtain certification of their Environmental Account if they meet the criteria in the Accounting for Nature® Standard. Through our 5-step process, Accounting for Nature guides users through the appropriate application of the Standard, Accredited Methods and other key documents to ensure integrity of the process and that the Environmental Account outcomes reported, disclosed and claimed are accurate and not misleading.
Certification is achieved either through an Accounting for Nature Technical Assessment or through an Independent Assurance Audit. The type of certification required depends on the purpose and end-use of the Environmental Asset Account(s). At both registration and certification checkpoints, Accounting for Nature will confirm the purpose with the Environmental Account user to ensure suitability and appropriateness of the certification pathway.
Once certified, Environmental Accounts are publicly listed on our Environment Account Registry. This registry includes all current, registered, and retired Environmental Accounts, ensuring full transparency and disclosure of all current and past Environmental Accounting projects under the Framework.
Additional safeguards and assurance mechanisms.
We have established processes in place for use in circumstances where Environmental Accounts, Accredited Methods, Accredited Experts or Auditors are suspected to have not met the criteria contained in the Standard or other rules document. These include Accounting for Nature’s right to initiate additional audits, formal dispute resolution, and complaints procedures, which are outlined in our relevant Key Documents. In addition, we have formalised internal non-compliance procedures to manage any perceived or actual non-compliance under the Framework.
Through these integrated efforts, we ensure a robust and trusted Framework, reinforcing its integrity and credibility in the long term.
Stakeholder participation.
There are many opportunities for stakeholders to provide input into the Accounting for Nature® Framework. Stakeholder input ensures that our Standard and Framework continue to meet best practice principles whilst ensuring that the building and certification of Environmental Accounts is as streamlined as possible.
When our core documents undergo a major revision, we ensure a 6-month stakeholder engagement period, welcoming feedback from the public, our Accredited Experts and Auditors, registered and certified Environmental Account holders as well as end users. The feedback obtained is considered for potential revisions and improvements to ensure the effectiveness and relevance of the Standard. Instructions for providing feedback on these documents is found in the preliminary section of each respective document.
Complaints and appeals procedures.
Our Accounting for Nature® Framework and certification program are built on a foundation of integrity. We are dedicated to maintaining transparency and accountability throughout all our processes, include complaints and appeals management.
We offer a structured and transparent Complaints Process to handle and resolve any issues related to the Accounting for Nature® Framework. Our robust procedures ensure every complaint and appeal is investigated thoroughly and resolved effectively.
Maintaining best practice.
Just as we develop and review our Standard in accordance with the latest scientific understanding and best practices in measuring, certifying and communicating changes in the state of nature, we periodically review our assurance system to increase its effectiveness and address real or perceived issues within our system.
How to use the Accounting for Nature® Framework.
Farmers, landholders, conservation land managers, carbon offset developers, investors, corporates and government all need to substantiate their sustainability claims.
Register & Build
Users register an Environmental Account and then build their account based on the Accounting for Nature® Standard and approved Methods and Guidelines.
Environmental Accounts are submitted for Certification review. Users of Certified Environmental Accounts are provided a trustmark.
The Accounting for Nature® Trustmarks give confidence to publicly communicate sustainability claims.
Key documents.

Global Frameworks.
Find out about how the Accounting for Nature® Framework can be used to complement or underpin aspects of global frameworks such as reporting on the state or condition of nature to underpin disclosures, track progress towards goals, or meet broader requirements of a framework around impacts and risk or ‘sustainability’.
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