
Our mission.

At Accounting for Nature, we are committed to leading the charge in environmental accounting with integrity and scientific precision. As a proud not-for-profit organisation registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, we have dedicated ourselves to measuring the state of nature and driving impactful environmental change since our inception in 2019.

Leadership and expertise.

Our governance structure is bolstered by a Board of Directors renowned for their expertise and influential networks. Our Board and senior leadership team bring a diverse wealth of experience from fields such as commercial markets, environmental finance, policy, science, law, land and conservation management, fisheries, development, and global standards. This collective expertise ensures we maintain the highest standards in our projects and initiatives.

Our work.

The core of our efforts revolves around the global implementation of the Accounting for Nature® Framework. Our dedicated team works closely with Method developers to create robust scientific Methods within this Framework. These Methods support Environmental Account holders in the planning, development, certification, and maintenance of their projects, ensuring rigorous benchmarks for measuring environmental health across landscape scales. This facilitates high-integrity reporting of environmental outcomes and supports access to emerging environmental markets.

Collaboration and community.

We believe in the power of collaboration. Our team engages with technical experts and fosters a community of practice within the environmental accounting space. This includes training and accrediting technical experts and auditors, thereby enhancing skills, knowledge, and opportunities for professionals, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs).

Independent expert advice.

To uphold our standards of excellence, we are guided by two independent bodies:

  • Independent Science Committee: This committee advises on the recommendation of accreditation of Methods for use under the Accounting for Nature® Framework. It comprises highly respected experts from a range of disciplines and ensures that all Certified Environmental Accounts are based on approved and rigorous scientific methods.

  • Technical Advisors: We work with Technical Advisors in various fields to ensure that our Framework incorporates the latest scientific and technical advancements. Our Technical Advisors provide critical insights on environmental science, law, finance, climate change, and indigenous knowledge, ensuring our practices remain cutting-edge.

Financial transparency.

As a registered charity, Accounting for Nature adheres to the financial reporting requirements mandated by the Australian Government Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). Our Annual Information Statements, Financial Statements, and audit outcomes are transparently available on our website and the ACNC profile page.

By fostering robust governance and leveraging a wealth of expertise, Accounting for Nature Ltd. continues to set the standard in Environmental Accounting and drive meaningful progress in measuring and preserving our natural world.