Paroo Plains NaturePlus™ Native Vegetation Restoration Account.
Native Vegetation Asset Account.
Environmental Account: AU00026
Environmental Asset: Native Vegetation
Asset Account ID: AU00026V1
Registration Date: 9 December 2022
Certification date: 18 December 2023
Certification level: Independent Audit
Purpose: Monitor and track improvement in environmental asset condition
Current land use: Beef grazing enterprise
Area: 16,744 ha
Method: AfN-METHOD-NV-03
Asset Account snapshot.
Asset summary.
Asset statement.
9 December 2022 - Registration Date
18 October 2023 - Certification Date
Significant outcomes.
The overall Econd® score shows a gradual, consistent increase across the Environmental Account area during the monitoring period. This result was underpinned by a notable increase in recruitment and a progressive increase in the amount (i.e. basal area) and diversity (i.e. richness) of established trees and shrubs.
Limitations & disclosures.
Scope - This is a project-scale assessment based on a targeted assessment of native vegetation condition within the Environmental Account area. As such, the condition of this Asset is expected to be representative within the Environmental Account area only (16,744 ha being 64% of the 26,308 ha Property) and not the entire property.
Stratification - Vegetation Classes were delineated using the mapping product and were not ground-truthed, validated or modified.
Data Collection - Non-native cover was not directly assessed in the field during the baseline survey (2018). Instead non-native cover was assessed from visual inspection of photographs at photopoints. Non-native cover for all plots was assessed to be 0 which was the same as directly assessed in the field during the subsequent monitoring survey.
Seasonal timing of data collection for this report differed between the 2018 Account and the 2023 Account. AfN-METHOD-NV-03 does not prescribe that sampling must be undertaken at a particular time of year. The Method does not include indicators for ground cover or species richness of perennial grasses, forbs or other growth forms that are expected to be disproportionately influenced by seasonal or fluctuating environmental conditions.
The sample size for Assessment Unit 3 was increased by 1 plot between 2018 and 2023 in order to meet the minimum sample size specified by the Method. The data used in the calculation of the 2018 account is sufficient to meet the requirement of High/Moderate quality data in accordance with the AfN Guidance on Hindcasting Environmental Condition. Additionally, the spatial location of one of the plots differed between the periods. Reassessment of the account excluding these plots confirmed that the estimate of net change in Econd was not materially affected by the inclusion of these plots.
Site context was defined using the best available spatial mapping of native vegetation extent for NSW developed under the State Vegetation Type Map program (version 1.2 - 5m Raster) (OEH 2018). This spatial product is not currently available as a time series. The author is not aware of any other currently available products that are ‘fit for purpose’ and available as a time series.
Environmental markets.
Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme project, registered with the Australian Clean Energy Regulator. More information can be found here:
Environmental Account.
Learn more about the Environmental Account.