GreenCollar - Carey Downs.
Fast facts.
Account ID: AU00033
Registration date: 9 December 2021
Location: Northeast of Denham, West Australia
Area: 44,792 ha
Assets: Native Vegetation
Method: AfN-METHOD-NV-03
Environmental Account Summary: In development
Technical Report: In development
GreenCollar has registered Carey Downs and is currently in the process of developing an Environmental Account to submit for certification.
About the account.
The Carey Downs is regenerating 44,792 hectares of native forest in the Wooramel, Augustus and Western Murchison bioregions of Western Australia. Carey Downs is located around 100 kms south of Gascoyne Junction, east of Carnarvon in the Shire of Upper Gascoyne in Western Australia. The climate on Carey Downs is classified as arid with annual median rainfall of 178 mm. Drainage on the station is dominated by the Wooramel River in the south and the Gascoyne River in the north. The terrain of the property is comprised of flat to undulating sandy plains, low stoney plains and claypans with minor sandy banks and dunes. There are sections of sloping alluvial plains with diffuse drainage and minor pebbly plains with low ridges.
The vegetation on the Property comprises of areas with Mulga (Acacia aneura), Bowgada (Acacia ramulosa), Bardi Bush (Acacia victoriae), Snakewood (Acacia xiphophylla), Limestone Wattle (Acacia sclerosperma) scattered with Cassia spp. and Eremophila spp. such as Wilcox bush (Eremophila forrestii). Chenopod low shrubs exist in patches consisting of Mulga Bluebush (Maireana convexa), Flat Leafed Bluebush (Maireana planifolia) with Wanderrie grasses (Monachather paradoxus). Despite a lack of biodiversity survey work in the area, a search of the NatureMap database (a joint project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the WA Museum), finds a total of 19 animal species and 77 plant species have been recorded on Carey Downs, or are known to occur in habitats found on Carey Downs station (Department of Parks and Wildlife and WAM 2014).
The goal is to measure native vegetation condition and quantify change over time. Land management activities are governed by a carbon project registered with the Australian Government’s Clean Energy Regulator. The establishment of environmental accounts is intended to support ongoing management decisions that may include management of grazing, fire, pests and weeds, forest retention and infrastructure upgrades to encourage maintenance and/or improvement in the condition and extent of native vegetation.
Account location.
About GreenCollar.
GreenCollar is Australia’s largest environmental markets investor and project developer. Through development of new methodologies and markets, we work to place the environment on the balance sheet and ensure money flows to people living and working on the land who deliver environmental benefits for all.
We help farmers, graziers, traditional owners and other land managers to identify and create commercial opportunities through nature-based projects that enhance their productive agricultural enterprise while caring for the environment and delivering tangible social and economic benefits.
At the forefront of the voluntary market, GreenCollar generates new demand for high quality, high integrity ACCUs and is creating new environmental markets based on water quality, biodiversity and plastics. Everything we do is backed by science and led by the land.