Wirra Natural Capital.

Native Vegetation Asset Account.

Environmental Account ID: AU00045
Environmental Asset: Native Vegetation
Asset Account ID: AU00045V1
Registration date: 4 August 2022
Certification date:
12 September 2023
Certification level: AfN Verified
Purpose: Inform and communicate the environmental and productive condition of Wirra
Current land use: Grazing and farming
Area: 731 ha
Method: AfN-METHOD-NV-08

Asset Account snapshot.

Asset summary - baseline.

Asset statement.

  • 14 August 2022 - Registration date

  • 12 September 2023 - Certification date

  • 26 November 2024 - Annual Certification Compliance Report

    No significant event or material change in land use was reported or identified

Significant outcomes.

The first year of environmental data collection at Wirra provided an evidence based environmental condition assessment of the Native Vegetation Econd® and Pcond. The Econd® for the whole property is 52.9, however the site context indicator, which is in part beyond the Account Boundaries, influences this score. The Pcond for the whole property is 81.3.

Limitations & disclosures.

Stratification- No published reference benchmark data were available for regional ecosystems 11.12.2C and 11.4.7. The Department of Environment and Science have kindly provided ‘moderate reliability’ draft benchmark data for the purpose of this account. These reference benchmark data are therefore likely to change as DES assess a larger number of reference sites to achieve a ‘high reliability ranking’ before publication on their website. Once published, reference benchmark data for these regional ecosystems will need to be updated accordingly.

Climatic conditions- Rainfall of 884mm (State of Queensland Forage report: rainfall and pasture by land type, 2023) was recorded during 2022 when baseline measurements were obtained. This is 301mm more than the long-term average (since 1975) of 583mm. Native vegetation condition scores are therefore likely to be higher than they would be if the data was collected in a below average rainfall year.

Sampling- Sampling occurred on two separate field trips in May (Autumn) and September (Spring) due to the availability of DAF and DES scientists to verify regional ecosystems and select and sample sites. While the time-controlled grazing system and above average rainfall in 2022 minimised the impact of climatic variability and grazing on field assessments, it is highly recommended that future sampling occur when grasses and forbs are mostly in reproductive phase to enable species identification.

Environmental Assets.

Learn more about the Environmental Account.