Burnett Mary Regional Group.
Aquatic Vertebrate Asset Account.
Environmental Account ID: AU00047
Environmental Asset: Aquatic Vertebrate (Fauna)
Asset Account ID: AU00047F2
Registration date: 23 December 2020
Certification date: 2 November 2022
Certification level: Independent Audit
Purpose: Deliver an accurate, scalable and repeatable solution to measure, account for and value natural capital at a landscape scale.
Current land use: Grazing, cropping and horticulture, forestry, conservation, residential.
Area: 5,576,737 ha
Method: AfN-METHOD-F-05
Asset Account snapshot.
Asset summary - baseline.
Asset statement.
23 December 2020 - Registration date
2 November 2022 - Certification date
8 March 2024 - Annual Certification Compliance Report (ACCR)
Significant outcomes.
An Econd® of 53.6 was recorded for aquatic fauna, reflecting the impact of unprecedented flooding and on aquatic ecosystems and species, with data and results also affected by challenging survey conditions.
Limitations & disclosures.
Climatic conditions prior to survey - A La Nina weather event caused widespread flooding and elevated stream heights in the months preceding the survey. Consequently, a significant amount of DNA material may have been flushed from the system, resulting in a lower rate of species detections.
Weather and river conditions during survey - Heavy rainfall and flooding also occurred during the survey period. In particular, the survey of the Mary River was affected by a significant rainfall event, which may have skewed the results for that catchment. High flows and high turbidity may have impacted the sample collection and artifically clogged filters with sediment, reduced the amount of eDNA in samples, resulting in a lower species detection rate, and therefore lower condition scores.
Seasonality - The detectability of some fauna groups (e.g. frogs) or specific species can be influenced by seasonal patterns in activity. Additional surveys during extended dry periods or periods of peak activity may result in a greater number of species being detected. Seasonal surveys could be considered for future accounts in line with the recommendation above.
Difficult to detect species - The survey targeted major rivers and tributaries. Range restricted species that were included in the reference species lists, but which occur in locations distant from the survey sites, would have a low likelihood of detection. Similarly, there may be a lower likelihood of detection of non-obligate aquatic species, including some species of frogs and birds, which are associated with aquatic habitats, but may not necessarily enter streams regularly.
Timing of the Survey - Due to flooding in May 2022, the survey was postponed until June, which is outside the seasonal timeframe recommended by the Method. While this may have influenced the results, we believe that it was preferable to sampling during very high flow conditions. For future accounts we will endeavour to sample during the in May as per the Method.
Other Environmental Assets.
Learn more about other Environmental Assets in this Environmental Account.