Burnett Mary Regional Group.
Native Vegetation Asset Account.
Environmental Account ID: AU00047
Environmental Asset: Native Vegetation
Asset Account ID: AU00047V1
Registration date: 23 December 2020
Certification date: 2 November 2022
Certification level: Independent Audit
Purpose: Deliver an accurate, scalable and repeatable solution to measure, account for and value natural capital at a landscape scale.
Current land use: Grazing, cropping and horticulture, forestry, conservation, residential.
Area: 5,576,737 ha
Method: AfN-METHOD-NV-09
Asset Account snapshot.
Asset summary - baseline.
Asset statement.
23 December 2020 - Registration date
2 November 2022 - Certification date
8 March 2024 - Annual Certification Compliance Report (ACCR)
Significant outcomes.
An Econd® of 41.7 was recorded for native vegetation, indicating that large areas of the landscape are intact and in what BMRG considers to be a good condition, despite a history of land clearance. Protected areas, including World Heritage Areas achieved an Econd® of 85 showing that areas managed for nature are being maintained in what BMRG considers to be excellent condition.
Limitations & disclosures.
Modelling approach- There are inherent limitations associated with measuring vegetation condition using remotely sensed data. What can be measured from space is a simplification of the complexity of vegetation when observed in the field. Standard indicators of condition such as species richness, vegetation age and invasive species presence, are not represented in this account. To address this issue, we have incorporated an additional step of model validation via expert opinion, which is based on the on-ground experience of those experts in the Burnett Mary region. The modelling approach could be further improved by incorporating some field-based ground-truthing of model outputs. This approach is being considered with the aim of improving and adding additional tiers of confidence to the current Accuracy Level 3 Method.
Sub-asset vs assessment unit- The sub-assets were not identified in the initial stratification step and therefore the Econd® scores rely on the average condition of the assessment units that fall within them. It is therefore a generalised interpretation of the sub-assets condition based on the land-use and land-cover contained within.
Assessment unit stratification- Future model runs may revisit the stratification of assessment units to remove or reallocate some units that are very small or could be logically combined with other units. This would affect the condition scores to a small degree and time-series consistency protocols would be followed in order to recalculate historic accounts and ensure consistency of trend reporting.
Other Environmental Assets.
Learn more about other Environmental Assets in this Environmental Account.