Poonunda Woodland Birds.
Fast facts.
Account ID: AU00070
Registration date: 16 August 2024
Location: Flinders Lofty Block, South Australia
Area: 2,347 ha
Assets: Fauna - Woodland Birds
Method: AfN-METHOD-F-02
Environmental Account Summary: In development
Technical Report: In development
RegenCo. has registered Poonunda Woodland Birds on behalf of Ryan Oates and is currently in the process of developing an Environmental Account to submit for certification.
About the account.
Poonunda is a property located on the eastern side of the Nothern Mount Lofty Ranges approximately 20 km northeast of Burra. The property is located in ecologically transitional country, where diversity of birds and other biota is often maximised. From west to east, the property starts in higher rainfall country (350 mm) on the eastern slopes of the ranges (Flinders Lofty Block bioregion) but then descends to a wide depositional plain (Murray Darling Depression bioregion) with low annual rainfall (230 mm).
This Account is focused on the higher rainfall part of the property, which is located within the Olary Spur subregion. The Account area supports large tracts of grassy/shrubby mallee woodland, including a "Heritage Agreement" private conservation area of about 400 ha. In total, these woodlands cover about 14% of the property, enhancing connection of habitat between a number of conservation areas in the vicinity, including Caroona Conservation Park to the north and the well-known birding site, Red Banks Conservation Park to the south.
Woodland bird species that are known to occur on the property include Hooded Robin and Southern Whiteface. The addition of more shrubs and trees (e.g. as fenceline shelterbelts) would further enhance the ecological value of the property.
Account location.
About the landholders.
Since 1917, our family has been proudly producing high-quality sheep meat and wool, spanning five generations. In 2021, we expanded into contract earthmoving and land regeneration, combining tradition with innovation to sustainably manage and restore our landscapes.
About the authorised representative.
RegenCo is one of Australia’s leading natural capital businesses, specialising in agricultural productivity, land management and carbon projects. Since 2019, RegenCo has worked with Australian landholders to develop natural capital regeneration and carbon farming projects that diversify income, and secure long-term food supply while also increasing environmental resilience.
RegenCo’s head office is located in Adelaide, with 18 employees dispersed throughout Australia including SA, WA, Qld, NSW and Vic-based staff.
RegenCo’s services include:
Carbon project development in the rangelands and agricultural zone,
Pastoral and agricultural property management planning,
High-integrity carbon project reporting underpinned by industry-leading remote assessment and monitoring,
Ecological survey and monitoring,
Design and delivery of environmental planting and biodiversity restoration projects.