Fast facts.
Account ID: AU00079
Registration date: 28 September 2024
Location: Perth NRM, WA
Area: 600 ha
Assets: Vegetation
Method: METHOD-NV-06 (80%)
Environmental Account Summary: In development
Technical Report: In development
RegenWA has registered Carrah and is currently in the process of developing an Environmental Account to submit for certification.
About the account.
The 600-hectare property 'Carrah,' near Calingiri, WA, is managed by Sarah and Geoff Mason. Originally used for sheep grazing and canola production, the property shifted to regenerative farming in 2021, focusing on beef cattle grazing and soil and pasture restoration. Key features include 50km of fencing installed over the last 23 years—plus an additional 7km since 2021 to protect new plantings from cattle—extensive native plantings, and habitat corridors for wildlife, including endangered Carnaby’s Black Cockatoos. The Masons aim to improve water quality and track long-term changes in native vegetation condition through an Accounting for Nature portfolio. This will guide their land management decisions and potentially open access to new markets by monitoring and reporting changes in the condition of the native vegetation, including restoration and rehabilitation efforts.
Account location.
About RegenWA.
Perth NRM is a highly regarded for-purpose organisation within the Natural Resource Management (NRM) sector. It works in collaboration with federal, state, and local governments, as well as the community, academia, and the corporate sector, to deliver innovative solutions to environmental challenges. Perth NRM achieves economic, environmental, public health, and social outcomes that align with stakeholder goals, all grounded in evidence-based research. With its strategic approach to natural resource management, Perth NRM plays a vital role in ensuring the long-term sustainability of Perth and Western Australia's agriculture, supply chains, and environment.
Through RegenWA Ltd, established by Perth NRM in 2017, the organisation drives impactful sustainable agricultural initiatives. RegenWA supports Western Australian farmers in adopting, implementing, and sharing innovative land management practices aimed at restoring the natural capital essential to food systems. Its members are committed to enhancing farming systems across Western Australia, from the southwest to the Kimberley and the inland rangelands.