Jasper Valley Native Vegetation.

Fast facts.

Account ID: AU00085
Portfolio ID: P00006
Registration date: 08 December 2024
Location: South East Queensland, NSW
Area: 26 ha
Assets: Native Vegetation
Method: AfN-METHOD-NV-02
Environmental Account Summary: In development
Technical Report: In development

Greening Australia has registered Jasper Valley Native Vegetation and is currently in the process of developing an Environmental Account to submit for certification.

About the account.

This Environmental Account focuses on the restoration of 26 hectares of land within a property that was historically part of the "Big Scrub," Australia's largest lowland subtropical rainforest prior to colonisation and native forest clearing. With less than 1% of the Big Scrub remaining today, the restoration aims to rehabilitate areas in alignment with the Lower Richmond Hills Dry-Subtropical Rainforest (PCT3002), a Critically Endangered vegetation community under the EPBC Act 1999.

The project will re-establish canopy species characteristic of this rainforest type to increase the extent of this at-risk vegetation community and support native species. The revegetation efforts will also enhance ecological connectivity by linking the restored areas with an existing riparian zone along the Wilson River on the southern boundary of the property.

By establishing a baseline for the restoration sites, the Environmental Account will enable the landholders, Account Holder, and funders to make informed decisions regarding management actions in response to changes in condition detected over time. It will also support the verification and demonstration of ‘nature positive’ outcomes resulting from the ecological restoration investment. This initiative represents a critical step toward reversing habitat loss and supporting biodiversity within this historically significant rainforest ecosystem.

Account location.


About the Account Holder.

Greening Australia is a proudly independent environmental enterprise. We are a national not for-profit committed to restoring Australia’s diverse landscapes and protecting biodiversity in ways that benefit communities, economies, and nature. With projects spanning the breadth of the country – from city suburbs to remote rural locations –we apply a science-led, collaborative approach to deliver nature-based solutions addressing the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss.