The Nature Account.
The Nature Account is a blog dedicated to exploring the intrinsic value of nature and how we can measure, protect, and enhance it. Through insightful articles, interviews, and real-world case studies, we delve into the ways in which nature's true worth can be quantified and accounted for in decision-making processes. Whether it's assessing the health of ecosystems, understanding the impact of human activities, or promoting sustainable practices, The Nature Account provides a look at how valuing nature can lead to a more balanced and better future for all. Join us as we make nature count.
Accounting for Nature Joins Forces with Nature Positive Economy CRC as Second Partner
Accounting for Nature has officially become the second signed partner of Nature Positive Economy CRC.
Can a ‘nature repair market’ really save Australia’s environment? It’s not perfect, but it’s worth a shot.
Australia has embarked on an experiment to create a market for biodiversity. No, we’re not talking about buying and selling wildlife, although, sadly, there is a black market for that. This is about repairing and restoring landscapes, providing habitat for threatened species and getting business and philanthropy to help pay for it.
Force of nature.
It is time to think about nature as infrastructure, write Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) executive director Tony Goldner MAICD and Accounting for Nature director Dr Ken Henry AC.
Speeches & articles.
Speeches from Accounting for Nature leadership.
27 July 2022
Keynote address to the EIANZ workshop on biodiversity offsets
Dr Ken Henry
About a decade ago, Australian policymakers could lay claim to operating the world’s best set of mechanisms for securing the abatement of domestic greenhouse gas emissions. That all came to an end when the Abbott Government repealed the emissions trading scheme (ETS).