Zeebra Plains Koala Habitat.

Koala Habitat Asset Account.

Environmental Account: AU00053
Environmental Asset: Koala habitat (Fauna)
Asset Account ID: AU00053F1
Registration date: 9 January 2023
Certification date: 23 August 2023
Purpose: For the propoerty owners to monitor the condition of koala habitat and inform decisions.
Current land use: Grazing with native forest regrowth.
Area: 75 ha
Method: AfN-METHOD-F-03

Asset Account snapshot.

Koala Population

Asset summary - estimate & baseline.

Graph showing change in condition between 2022 (estimate only)  and 2023 (certified Econd®)

Asset statement.

  • Condition estimate reporting period (uncertified)

  • 9 January 2023 - Registration date

    25 August 2023 - Certification date

Significant outcomes.

Recent weed removal appears to have had an immediate and measurable impact on the habitat Econd®. This is based on a comparison between the estimated condition in 2022 with the Certified Econd® in 2023.

Limitations & disclosures.

The Account area (75 ha) is also smaller than the Method minimum of 100 ha.

Potential for measurement errors with the estimated indicators, especially for the indicator of average tree height. However, as a stable measure and the relatively large range of values it is expected that this will limit the scoring impact of the estimation inaccuracies.

This Account applies the 90% (High) Accuracy Level, which has inherent limitations as noted in the Method.

Environmental Account.

Learn more about the Environmental Account.