Mt Razorback Woodland Birds.
Woodland Birds Asset Account.
Environmental Account: AU00069
Environmental Asset: Fauna - Woodland Birds
Asset Account ID: AU00069F1
Registration date: 19 June 2024
Certification date: 6 December 2024
Certification level: AfN- Verified
Purpose: Track and monitor woodland bird condition over time.
Current land use: Grazing
Area: 1,078 ha
Method: AfN-METHOD-F-02
Asset Account snapshot.
Asset summary - baseline.
Asset statement.
19 June 2024 - Registration date
6 December 2024 - Certification date
Significant outcomes.
The 2024 baseline assessment of the Woodland Bird Asset in the Toolangi Asset Area found that the overall Econd® score for the asset was 28. Within the two assessment units, scores varied, with 'Moderately Degraded' at 24 and 'Quality Bushland' at 32. Individual survey sites had Econd® scores from 15 to 51, with site INT02 scoring the highest, recording 13 species, including seven small-bodied natives. Notably, a Vulnerable species, the Southern Whiteface (Aphelocephala leucopsis), was observed at INT01 and INT02. The region’s remnant Eucalyptus leucoxylon woodland supports rare species, including the Southern Whiteface, Yellow Thornbill, Red-rumped Parrot, Laughing Kookaburra, Grey Butcherbird, and Apostlebird. Overall, 21 native bird species, including nine small-bodied species, were recorded during the survey.
Limitations & disclosures.
This account is constrained by both spatial and temporal limitations. Spatially, the extensive area of woodland on the property prevents surveying at a High Accuracy (90%) level with current resources, which would require 44 sites (one per 25 hectares). Consequently, the account has been built to a Moderate Accuracy (80%) level, surveying one site per 150 hectares. Temporally, the account is currently assessed annually in Autumn; however, accuracy could be enhanced by shifting to biannual assessments, adding a Spring survey to capture seasonal variation. The primary barrier to this improvement is the resourcing required for a Spring survey.
Environmental Account.
Learn more about the Environmental Account.