Paroo River Portfolio.
Portfolio overview.
Portfolio ID: P00002
Portfolio manager: GreenCollar
Portfolio Registration date: 16 December 2022
Registered accounts: 7
Registered accounts ID: AU00020, AU00021, AU00022, AU00024, AU00025, AU00027, AU00028
Certified accounts: 2
Certified accounts ID: AU00019, AU00026
Total area: 180,603 ha
About the Portfolio.
The Paroo River Portfolio encompasses GreenCollar's Environmental Accounts that overlap or are adjacent to the globally recognised Paroo Floodplain and Currawinya Key Biodiversity Area. This region represents a vast floodplain with complex channels, wetlands and lakes that are protected through a range of state and private protected areas. The area supports up to 400,000 waterbirds and several threatened land bird species, mammals, reptiles and plants including: Brolga (Grus rubicunda), Pink Cockatoo (Lophochroa leadbeateri) and Kultarr (Antechinomys laniger). The region also supports one of the rarest landforms in Australia, the Critically Endangered Artesian Springs Ecological Community in the Great Artesian Basin. GreenCollar, in partnership with landholders, aims to restore and conserve this critical ecosystem through the development of Environmental Accounts in the area.
About the Portfolio Manager - GreenCollar.
GreenCollar is Australia’s largest environmental markets investor and project developer. Through development of new methodologies and markets, we work to place the environment on the balance sheet and ensure money flows to people living and working on the land who deliver environmental benefits for all.
GreenCollar helps farmers, graziers, traditional owners and other land managers to identify and create commercial opportunities through nature-based projects that enhance their productive agricultural enterprise while caring for the environment and delivering tangible social and economic benefits.
At the forefront of the voluntary market, GreenCollar generates new demand for high quality, high integrity ACCUs and is creating new environmental markets based on water quality, biodiversity and plastics. Everything we do is backed by science and led by the land.
Certified portfolio accounts.
Argyle NaturePlus™ Native Vegetation Restoration.
Account ID: AU00019
Account Holder: GreenCollar
Registration date: 9 December 2021
Certification Date: 23 September 2023
Location: East of Wanaaring, NSW
Area: 5,364 ha
Assets: Vegetation - Native Vegetation
Paroo Plains NaturePlus™ Native Vegetation Restoration.
Account ID: AU00026
Account Holder: GreenCollar
Registration date: 9 December 2021
Certification date: 18 December 2023
Location: North of Wanaaring, NSW
Area: 16,744 ha
Assets: Vegetation - Native Vegetation
Registered portfolio accounts.
Dungarvan NaturePlus™.
Account ID: AU00020
Account Holder: GreenCollar
Registration date: 9 December 2021
Location: Northwest of Bourke, NSW
Area: 18,284 ha
Assets: Vegetation - Native Vegetation
Emaroo NaturePlus™.
Account ID: AU00021
Account Holder: GreenCollar
Registration date: 9 December 2021
Location: South of Wanaaring, NSW
Area: 28,456 ha
Assets: Vegetation - Native Vegetation
Maureenjoy NaturePlus™.
Account ID: AU00022
Account Holder: GreenCollar
Registration date: 9 December 2021
Location: Northwest of Bourke, NSW
Area: 12,535 ha
Assets: Vegetation - Native Vegetation
Mooleyarrah NaturePlus™.
Account ID: AU00024
Account Holder: GreenCollar
Registration date: 9 December 2021
Location: Northwest of Bourke, NSW
Area: 18,591 ha
Assets: Vegetation - Native Vegetation
Tilterweira Toonborough NaturePlus™.
Account ID: AU00025
Account Holder: GreenCollar
Registration date: 9 December 2021
Location: West of Bourke, NSW
Area: 22,403 ha
Assets: Vegetation - Native Vegetation
Salt Lake NaturePlus™.
Account ID: AU00027
Account Holder: GreenCollar
Registration date: 9 December 2021
Location: West of Bourke, NSW
Area: 30,861 ha
Assets: Vegetation - Native Vegetation
Strathern NaturePlus™.
Account ID: AU00028
Account Holder: GreenCollar
Registration date: 9 December 2021
Location: Northwest of Bourke, NSW
Area: 5,392 ha
Assets: Vegetation - Native Vegetation